can be confusing. Helee provides free educational classes to help you
understand how Medicare coverage works and when you should apply for
various benefits available to you. Helee will provide an overview of
what all the letters in Medicare and what they
could mean to you and important deadlines to be aware of. Her goal for
this class is to help you feel informed and empowered about the
decisions you will be making regarding your coverage. Picking a plan
based solely on a TV ad or basing a decision on a
plan from a well-meaning friend or family member is not the best idea.
She has even found those that have already signed up did so by using
those methods and got themselves in a real pickle. Many do not realize
that Medicare policies vary from county to
county and the decision should be individualized according to the needs
of each person. All are welcome to any of the public classes below
(including caregivers)!